
So I was in surprise mode. I did not think I would have been this surprised just a year prior.   I did not think what occurred could happen.    I would have thought I would have needed to d a special dance, pull some stars from the sky and hold them in a jar for a week or land on the moon instantly without transport.   Oh yes, I am talking about the impossible.  Well the situation I am about to tell you about I thought it was impossible. 

What I am talking about is the time when I realized in what residual income truly was.     I definitely had my share of what residual income was like over 10 years ago.    It was back in 2009, when I was open to the possibilities online for helping people and being able to generate income no matter what time of day it is even in REM mode sleep.  

My discovery about residual income was made right when the 2008 recession occurred.  I was searching for ways to make extra income to supplement what I was making as a full time staff writer. Through an online search I discovered the California based company Demand Studios was in need of content writers for the business' website. I submitted my resume in applying and was accepted.  I first started writing how to articles for $15 per title. As writers, people were given the opportunity to select a title choice from thousands of titles available on the website.  Once writers wrote the articles they were posted on websites like ehow and Livestrong. 

Along with a selection of titles to chose from, the site offered a forum.  Now that forum was life changing and transformative to say the least.   The forum included advice and tips along with other discussions from writers.   An oh wow moment came when a beneficial post that was super helpful to a much needed question.   Now let me tell you there had been a lot of responses  but there was one response that was while gold over platinum.   Just Superb!

Now let me tell you about that question.   This question may have been on the minds of many considering the response in the forum.  The question pertained to how to generate other forms of income online.  A lot of people were naming other content websites similar to Demand. 

Link to my other page for more details is below.